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Here is Houdini's classic escape: A large "Milk Can" made of galvanized steel is examined and filled with water. The performer is handcuffed and steps into the can. As he squeezes himself all the way down inside, the water dramatically displaces, and rushes up and over the top. Quickly, his assistant forces the lid onto the Milk Can, and snaps six padlocks* through the six hasps to secure it in place. A clock starts, and a curtain goes up. Minutes go by and the audience grows restless. Finally, the drenched escapist comes crashing through the curtains--alive! The Milk Can is then revealed to still have its lid completely locked tight in place with all of the locks. Our Milk Can is made to look very similar to Houdini's original. In keeping with Houdini's 1908 Milk Can look, our Milk Can utilizes six uniquely "triangular" shaped hasps (custom made), and a slightly domed-shaped lid--just like Houdini's. However, as many escapists "in the know" realize, the original methodology of escape could be rendered dangerous through constant trouping and moving, and - sometimes - denting, thus creating a hazard. You'll be happy to know that although our Milk Can looks strikingly similar to that of Houdini's, the methodology of escape is SAFE! Note: You will be required to read and sign a Waiver of Liability prior to purchase. (*Padlocks not included to help keep price down. Any padlocks may be used).
Only $2,899
Please email with your height and weight.
Within the Continental United States - $219
All other destinations - Shipping price varies. Please email with your address for quote.
All other destinations - when shipping costs are determined and the order is confirmed, we will email an invoice, which can be paid either with a Cashier's Check, Money Order or credit card.
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